Taoist Style Classical Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture,Herbal Nutrition, Chi Kung and In Depth Hands On Training with The Wu Wei Method: Jin Qi Chinese-Cranial-Spinal-Sacral Balancing Light Touch Bodywork
By Jeff Nagel, MA, LAc *
Portland, Maine March 19-20
Eligible for 15 ME CEUs & NCCAOM PDAs
Teachings include:
- Special Standing & Seated Chi Kung Chinese Medicine in Motion- Healing Sounds & Self Massage for patients and practitioners.
- Chi Kung Acupuncture for 8 Extra Meridians Diamond Body Command Points, Master Tung’s 12 Channel Extraordinary Points & Quan Xi Taiji-Bagua Holographic Imaging Methods, Taoist Medicine Cosmology.
- Hands on practice of the Wu Wei Method of Jin Qi-Chinese Cranial-Spinal-Sacral Balancing & Jin Qi Acupuncture core methods.
- Self applied Jin Qi-Wuji Stillpoint method (bring 2 tennis balls & 1 white cotton sock & treatment table).
- 6 Harmonies Jin Qi-External Why Qi Healing for lower body orthopedic joint conditions & Bagua mirror-image organ-meridian connections of the cranial bones & Yijing Acupuncture treatments.
- Special foods, internal-external herbal medicine, supplements, Chinese patent medicines, home remedies & how to make personal orthopedic laser light jing well chi remedieswith water, gemstones, biomagnets.
Jeff Nagel, MA, LAc, from San Diego, CA is trained in the 8 Branches of Chinese Taoist Healing Arts-medicine-internal martial arts. He is an experienced-long time practitioner-teacher-researcher of acupuncture-Oriental medicine and a chi kung cultivator. Jeff has studied extensively with several well-known masters and doctors including Taoist Grand Master Share K. Lew of the Yellow Dragon Monastery, China.
Dates: March 19-20, 2016 Sat & Sun workshop
Friday March 18 10-4 optional clinic to bring your most challenging patients to and observe
Workshop times: 9am-6pm (15 hours)
Location: Southern Maine Community College 2 Fort Road, South Portland ME 04106
Cost: $325 members of Me, NH, and VT assoc. before Feb.19, $375 after. Non members:$375/$425 after 2/19
Clinic observer: $50., patient $125.
Contact: Abi@RedbirdAcupuncture.com or 207-594-4766. Send checks to 17 Masonic St. Rockland ME 04841 or sign up at maaom.org. Please let me know if you can bring a table!
To sign up for clinic: contact Jason at 207-879-0442 or Downeastacupuncture@hotmail.com