2017 Annual Meeting & CEU Day

Please join us for our 2017 annual meeting & CEU day! Our event this year is on Sunday November 5th.

Registration for this year’s event is required in advance (by October 22nd). We cannot take walk-ins per the venue’s guidelines. To register online, please go to http://store.nhaama.org/

We are hosting this year’s event at Alnoba at:
24 Cottage Rd.
Kensington, NH 03833

Introduction to the Treatment of Shoulder Complex
by Stephen Cina, MAOM, L.Ac. (see the schedule below for a description)
Course pending approval for NCCAOM PDA Provider #768 and NH Board of Licensure for 3 Core (AOM/BIO) PDA points

Event schedule: Sunday November 5th
8:30 am – 9:00 am: Registration/Coffee and Pastries
Parking is located at 24 Cottage Rd. You may walk to the Meeting Studio (about a 15 minute walk on the grounds) or you may ride in the 6-passenger electric car.

9:00 am – 12:15 pm Introduction to the Treatment of Shoulder Complex with Stephen Cina
Mr. Cina will provide an integrative approach to identify and treat common pathologies of the shoulder complex. We will identify the commonality of most shoulder pathologies from a biomechanical perspective and offer integrative orthopedic acupuncture methods for the rotator cuff. Students will then practice these methods.

12:15 – 1:00 pm Eat and Meet
Meet friends and colleagues for special lunch catered by the Farm at Eastman Corner. (Lunch provided to attendees. Please contact secretary@nhaama.org with any food allergies or needs)

1:00 – 2:00 pm Outside Art & Nature Walk on ALNOBA Grounds
Bring your walking and hiking shoes because ALNOBA is a unique place to reflect, connect and create change! Located on the grounds are trails that integrate art and nature. Onsite you will find works of art from Andy Goldsworthy to Orly Genger and many more. Recharge yourself after an invigorating class and healthy lunch. Open to attendees.

2:00-4:00 pm Annual Meeting (NHAAMA Members Only)
NHAAMA Annual Membership Meeting. Cast your vote in the annual election and learn what your organization has accomplished this year. Discuss current events affecting our profession, find out what’s happening in the NH acupuncture community, discover volunteer opportunities and get to know your fellow members!

To register online, please go to http://store.nhaama.org/

We hope to see you there!