HB 241 – Do you approve?
ANALYSIS: This bill requires insurance coverage for certain pain management therapies prescribed as alternatives to treatment with opioids.
Sponsors: Rep. Nagel, Belk. 6; Rep. T. Dolan, Rock. 16; Rep. Lundgren, Rock. 16; Rep. Palmer, Sull. 2
COMMITTEE: Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs
To be heard: Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025 at 1:30 pm
“Each insurer that issues or renews any individual policy, plan or contract of accident or health insurance providing benefits for medical or hospital expenses shall provide to persons covered by such insurance who are residents of this state coverage for a broad spectrum of pain management services by providers practicing in a licensed profession, in addition to currently covered pharmacologic and interventionalist treatments. Such services shall include: (a) Behavioral health interventions, including but not limited to pain self-management training, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), mindfulness and/or other meditation training, support groups, and pain education. (b) Manual treatments, including, but not limited to: chiropractic treatment of spine, peripheral joints, and soft tissues; osteopathic manipulation of joints and tissues; and massage therapy and manual physical therapy treatments. (c) Movement therapies, including, but not limited to therapeutic exercises administered by physical therapists and chiropractors. (d) Acupuncture. (e) Massage therapy.”
Dr. David Nagel, MD is an ally of NHAAMA. He is an orthopedic physician in Concord, a pain specialist, and a medical acupuncturist. From his campaign site: “I quickly came to see that pain was a part of all the disabilities I encountered, and I became aware of how we, as a culture, stigmatize those who suffer, adding unnecessarily to the burden these patients faced. I also learned of the disparities that exist in how we treat those who suffer; people discriminated against not just because of their pain and their inability, but also because of their skin color, their sex, their sexual orientation. I was determined to change the way pain and addiction are perceived, judged, and treated.”
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