Insurance Coverage for Acupuncture

Information for Patients

Health Insurance
An increasing number of insurance companies in NH have started covering Acupuncture treatments.  You should contact your insurer directly to find out if it is covered under your plan. Be sure to ask your insurer:

  • Do you cover Acupuncture performed by a Licensed Acupuncturist?
  • Do you reimburse the Acupuncturist directly or do I pay out of pocket and get a discount from the Acupuncturist?
  • Do I need a referral from my Primary Care Physician?
  • Will the Acupuncture treatments I pay for count toward my deductible?
  • How many Acupuncture treatments am I allowed per year or per illness?

Flexible Spending Accounts and Healthcare Savings Accounts
These accounts, often available through your employer and made up of your own pre-tax dollars, usually reimburse for Acupuncture treatment. Speak to your employer about how to use this benefit.

Medicare and Medicaid do not cover Acupuncture treatment.  Yet.

Self-Pay (out-of-pocket)
Think of the money you spend on Acupuncture treatment as an investment in your health. Acupuncture treatments typically range in cost from about $40 to $125 per 45 to 90 minute visit.

Information for Acupuncturists

Insurance Reimbursement
Several insurance companies in New Hampshire currently reimburse practitioners for Acupuncture treatments. Some of the insurers in this state are also offering discount plans in which participating Acupuncturists are listed as preferred practitioners in return for giving a 25% discount to patients covered by these insurers.

In the near future, the NHAAMA hopes to provide you with further information about insurers in New Hampshire, to present the pros and cons of working with insurance, and to give you tips on how best to incorporate insurance reimbursement into your Acupuncture practice.

In the meantime, please email us about your experiences working with insurers in this state, your opinions on insurance reimbursement, and any helpful information we could pass along to other members.