Practitioners of Asian Medicine and Acupuncture have a unique and diverse set of tools to serve a wide range of healthcare needs. This directory includes some of the most talented, knowledgeable and dedicated practitioners in the state of New Hampshire.
To search for a practitioner by their location, click the drop down menu to the left, and select a city near you. If you are an Acupuncturist and Asian Medicine practitioner in New Hampshire and do not see your name on this list, please consider joining NHAAMA today!
Amanda Sutter-Francis
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Related by City - Nashua
Nashua Acupuncture center is a hybrid acupuncture practice offering both private and community acupuncture as well as individualized Chinese Herbal formulas. It is one of two acupuncture practices in NH with a Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Medicine who specializes in Women’s Healthcare and male and female infertility. In addition, we specialize in acute and chronic pain conditions.