New Membership
1. Build connections with a community of professional, licensed Acupuncturists in a variety of ways, through regular virtual Meet-ups to network & “talk shop”; or in-person social events
2. Updates and Action Alerts on issues of importance to Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in New Hampshire. 3. Free listing for Licensed Acupuncturists in the NHAAMA online directory 4. Discounts on CEU offerings by the NHAAMA 5. 5% discount on purchases from Redwing bookstore & select items from Lhasa OMS 6. Quarterly member meetings
MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL options have expanded for 2024. There are the existing Silver, Gold and Platinum tiers, with donation amounts to the Political Action Committee Fund increasing with each level. (50% of the Membership Renewal fee will to the general fund and 50% to the PAC) Expanded membership options include new categories to better accommodate our Acupuncturists who may be at different points in their careers.
– Dual State Membership, In State ($100)
– Dual State Membership, Out of State ($50) (Non-voting)
– Volunteer Membership ($0)
– Student Membership ($0) (Non-voting)
– Honorary Membership ($0) (Non-voting)
In keeping with our status as a 501(c)6 Association, you will be able to claim the $50 Membership Renewal Fee as a tax deduction. All funds allocated to the Political Action fund are non-tax deductible.
Remember: our strength and influence as an organization increases drastically with your participation! Consider joining the Board or the Political Action Committee. Thank you for your continued support!