Purpose and Founding Principles
The NHAAMA is a professional membership organization whose primary goals are to encourage the integration of acupuncture and Asian medicine into health care in the state of New Hampshire, to expand the public understanding of acupuncture and Asian medicine, and to promote access to acupuncture and Asian medicine for all people.
Founding Principles
- To respect diversity and encourage discussion among practitioners
- To generate cooperation and build a sense of community among practitioners
- To share information within the community of acupuncture and Asian medicine practitioners, other medical professionals and the community at large
- To collaborate with other organizations on issues and activities that are in accord with our goals
- To seek input and involvement in decision and policy making by the membership
- To develop major policies by a process of full discussion and participation of the membership
- To respect the individual voice and insure that his or her vote will be counted [individually]
- To assist the membership in licensure, regulation, and health care issues as appropriate to local needs
- To advocate and promote consumer education and action
- To support appropriate educational and competency standards for the profession
- To promote research in acupuncture and Asian medicine
- To promote and assist activities that nurture the health of our community, our nation and the world, remaining mindful that health is a reflection of the world-at-large